Jul 02, 2024
How to Choose the Right Cryptocurrency Wallet: Why Cwallet Should Be Your First Choice
There are several types of cryptocurrency wallets available, each offering different features and levels of security. The main categories include hardware wallets, software wallets, and paper wallets....
May 31, 2024
How Can A Newbie Get Started With Cryptocurrency In 2024?
For a beginner, it’s crucial to start with well-established cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) are good starting points due to their widespread adoption and liquidity....
May 27, 2024
7 Ways to Protect Your Crypto Wallet from Theft and Hacks
Protecting your crypto wallet is not just an option; it is a necessity to safeguard your investments from cyber threats. This post outlines seven essential strategies to help you secure your crypto assets against potential security breaches, ensuring peace of mind in your digital financial...
Mar 18, 2024
What Kind Of Crypto Wallet Can Be Safe For $100m Funds?
When safeguarding $100 million in cryptocurrency, the wallet choice is paramount. For a blend of security and usability, a solution like Cwallet emerges as a versatile option, combining the strengths of both hardware and software wallets....
Mar 05, 2024
Google Authenticator For Crypto Wallet 2FA: Time-Based or Counter-Based?
Unlike TOTP, which relies on synchronized clocks between Google Authenticator and the server, HOTP does not require time synchronization. HOTP tokens are generated based on a counter value and a secret key, making them resistant to certain types of attacks, such as replay attacks....
Feb 27, 2024
How to Choose the Right Crypto Wallet for Beginners
This article aims to simplify the decision process of choosing the right cryptocurrency wallet by providing beginners with crucial factors such as security features, supported cryptocurrencies, user interface, and so on....
Nov 08, 2023
What Is Encryption In Data Security and Why Is it Important For Your Crypto Wallet?
encryption converts plain, readable data into an unreadable format using a specific algorithm or method. This transformation is reversible only for those who possess the decryption key, making it an essential tool for protecting sensitive information....
Nov 05, 2023
What Are MultiSignature (MultiSig) Wallets?
In a MultiSig wallet, a transaction requires signatures from multiple private keys before execution. The specific number of signatures needed can vary. For instance, a 2-of-3 MultiSig wallet would need two out of three designated parties to sign off on a transaction....
Oct 27, 2023
What is An Air-Gapped Crypto Wallet? How Does It Work?
Similar to cold or hardware wallets, air-gapped wallets store their private keys offline. However, not all cold wallets are air-gapped wallets. For example, some cold wallets might support Bluetooth or USB connections. However, air-gapped wallets are fully disconnected from the internet...
Oct 24, 2023
Wallet Security: Why You Must Enable 2-Factor Authentication
With the rise of cyberattacks and unauthorized access attempts, extreme safety precautions are required to protect your digital wallet. One of the most effective ways to secure your digital wallet is to enable two-factor authentication (2FA)....
Oct 21, 2023
5 Tips For Using A Hardware Wallet Securely
Reputable brands have a track record of security and reliability, which is vital when safeguarding your valuable digital assets. They invest in the latest security technologies and follow best practices in hardware and software development to minimize vulnerabilities....
Sep 22, 2023
Google or SMS-based Authentication - Which is Better For Your Crypto Wallet?
Most wallet providers, like Cwallet, do a great job of securing users assets, but users still need to take proactive measures to provide extra layers of security for their assets. Two authentication methods have become prominent in the quest for heightened security for custodial wallet owners...