Jul 09, 2024
How Secure Are Crypto Wallets From Hackers and Theft?
Crypto wallets are usually huge targets for hackers due to their decentralized nature. Crypto transactions are irreversible, and they operate on decentralized networks; hence, hackers have an increased incentive to steal from crypto wallets...
Jul 04, 2024
What is Crypto Insurance? Can Crypto Assets be Insured?
Crypto insurance is a specialized type of insurance designed to protect digital assets such as cryptocurrencies. As cryptocurrencies gain popularity and their value increases, the need for securing these assets against various risks has become more evident....
Jul 03, 2024
Why KYC is Essential for Secure Crypto Transactions: A Look at Cwallet's KYC Process
Fraud is a significant concern in the cryptocurrency space due to the pseudonymous nature of transactions and the irreversible nature of blockchain technology. KYC processes are essential in identifying and preventing fraudulent activities by ensuring that users are who they claim to be....
May 27, 2024
7 Ways to Protect Your Crypto Wallet from Theft and Hacks
Protecting your crypto wallet is not just an option; it is a necessity to safeguard your investments from cyber threats. This post outlines seven essential strategies to help you secure your crypto assets against potential security breaches, ensuring peace of mind in your digital financial...
Apr 09, 2024
What Is a Decentralized Wallet and How Do They Work
Decentralized wallets are more than just tools for managing cryptocurrencies; they are a testament to the power of blockchain technology in creating a more secure, transparent, and equitable financial system....
Mar 05, 2024
Google Authenticator For Crypto Wallet 2FA: Time-Based or Counter-Based?
Unlike TOTP, which relies on synchronized clocks between Google Authenticator and the server, HOTP does not require time synchronization. HOTP tokens are generated based on a counter value and a secret key, making them resistant to certain types of attacks, such as replay attacks....
Mar 01, 2024
How to Buy Crypto and Avoid Being Hacked
Our blog delves into the crucial steps to protect crypto holdings from cyber-attacks. From secure wallet practices to staying vigilant against fraudsters, we provide expert insights and actionable tips to fortify your defenses....
Feb 22, 2024
Is Face or Touch ID Enough to Secure My Crypto Wallet?
With the proliferation of biometric authentication technologies, such as Face ID and Touch ID, on mobile devices, the question arises: Can these convenient and seemingly secure methods adequately protect our crypto wallets?...