May 13, 2023
REVEALED! Why You Should Avoid Using a Non-custodial Wallet
Now, don't get the wrong notion; non-custodial wallets can be perfectly safe if you take the necessary precautions and are well-versed in the world of cybersecurity. But for the less tech-savvy, here is what you should be wary of....
Apr 28, 2023
Custodial Wallet Security: Best Practices For Beginners In 2023
wallet integrates most of the security features mentioned above. It allows you to create a flexible password and a 6-digit pin for transactions; it is further bolstered by two-factor authentication via Google Authenticator or SMS codes that prevent unwanted access from your account....
Mar 28, 2023
Custodial or Non-custodial Wallet: Which Should I Use?
Thus, the key distinction between custodial and non-custodial wallets is the custody of the crypto asset. You now know the primary distinction between the two types of cryptocurrency wallets....
Jan 28, 2023
What are Crypto Wallets?
A crypto wallet is a software or hardware that employs blockchain technology to administer, transmit, and manage cryptocurrency securely. Unlike your traditional wallet, which stores bill notes, crypto wallets only store digital assets - crypto assets and non-fungible tokens (NFTs)....
Dec 15, 2022
How To Import Your Existing Non-custodial Wallet To Cwallet
you will be prompted to input your private key’s recovery mnemonic phrase from your existing non-custodial wallet. Usually, you should have written this down safely, so all you need to do is accurately type it in the allotted box....
Dec 05, 2022
Crypto Should Be Decentralized - So Why Do We Need Centralized Exchanges?
if you have never traded or held cryptocurrency, CEXs make it easy, as all you need to do is create an account with an email address and KYC documentation without needing to store your own seed phrase or private keys....
Mar 17, 2022
Which is Safer? Custodial or Non-Custodial Wallets?
If you have bought or received a crypto asset, you already have a wallet. You must be eager to know which one is safer, a custodial or noncustodial wallet?...