Jun 21, 2024
Best Crypto Lending Platforms in 2024
Finding the right lending platform is crucial for borrowing against your crypto assets. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to determine which platform offers the best features and benefits for your needs. To help you navigate the crypto lending landscape, here are some tips...
May 07, 2024
Beginners Guide to LTV Ratio In Crypto Lending?
The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is a financial metric used by lenders to assess the risk of giving a loan based on the value of the collateral provided by the borrower. It's calculated by dividing the loan amount by the value of the collateral and then multiplying it by 100 to get a percentage....
Apr 30, 2024
Looking to Get a Crypto Loan? Here's What You Should Know
To obtain a crypto loan, borrowers must first deposit their cryptocurrency into a digital wallet controlled by the lending platform. The platform then locks the crypto assets as collateral and disburses the loan amount in the agreed currency....
Apr 25, 2024
How Are Crypto Loans Taxed?
Capital gains play a significant role in the taxation of crypto loans. When you borrow cryptocurrency, it is considered a taxable event, and the value of the borrowed crypto at the time of borrowing is recognized as income....
Apr 23, 2024
5 Major Cryptocurrency Loan Risks and How to Manage Them
Cryptocurrencies exhibit extreme price volatility, with values that can fluctuate wildly within short periods. Borrowers using crypto as collateral may face margin calls if the market price plunges, requiring them to add more collateral to maintain the loan's value...
Apr 22, 2024
How To Spend Crypto Loans - Top 3 Things To Do With Your Crypto Loans
Day trading allows investors to take advantage of short-term price fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market, potentially generating profits within a single trading day. By executing well-timed trades and capitalizing on market momentum, day traders can achieve significant returns...
Apr 15, 2024
Top 5 Crypto Lending Platforms In 2024 - A Comparison
This article aims to provide an updated review of the top 5 crypto lending platforms in 2024. While delving into the intricacies of each platform, we’ll evaluate key criteria such as security, interest rates, supported cryptocurrencies, user experience, and customer support....
Apr 04, 2024
What is Loan-To-Value (LTV) Ratio In Crypto Lending?
It represents the ratio of the loan amount to the value of the collateral provided to secure the loan. For example, if a borrower pledges $10,000 worth of Bitcoin as collateral and receives a loan of $7,000, the LTV ratio would be 70%....
Apr 03, 2024
Easy Guide To Getting A Crypto Loan With Cwallet
Unlocking the power of your digital assets through crypto loans with Cwallet can be a game-changer in your financial journey. Crypto loans offer a versatile solution for maximizing the potential of your digital investments....
Apr 02, 2024
Crypto Loans: What is The Difference Between Fixed and Flexible Loans
Understanding the differences between fixed-rate loans and flexible-rate loans is essential for borrowers to choose the loan type that best aligns with their financial goals, risk tolerance, and market outlook....
Mar 30, 2024
What Are Crypto Loans and How Do They Work?
In our guide on crypto lending, we delve deep into the intricacies of this burgeoning market. Are you ready to uncover the keys to unlocking the power of your crypto assets through lending platforms?...
Mar 27, 2024
Comparative Analysis Between DeFi and CeFi Lending Platforms
In CeFi lending, stakers are ‘indirectly’ lending their funds to others. While you stake your funds on the centralized platform, the platforms are permitted to use your assets as they wish. This also includes lending. In CeFi lending, while the CeFi platform is the ‘lender’,...