May 13, 2024
Is Sending Crypto To Another Wallet Taxable?
This article will explain everything you need to know about crypto taxes, clear up some common mistakes people make, and give you the knowledge you need to feel confident using cryptocurrency....
Apr 25, 2024
How Are Crypto Loans Taxed?
Capital gains play a significant role in the taxation of crypto loans. When you borrow cryptocurrency, it is considered a taxable event, and the value of the borrowed crypto at the time of borrowing is recognized as income....
Aug 07, 2023
Understanding Crypto Tips' Tax Implications: What You Need to Know
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers cryptocurrency tips taxable income. Whether you are the provider or the receiver, the value of the tips you receive must be declared as taxable income...
Oct 28, 2022
Struggling To Accept Global Payments? Try Crypto Invoice
Considering these challenges and struggles to receive invoice payments, what is the ideal method to seamlessly receive global payments? The short answer is: cryptocurrency! To get started, all you need is a cryptocurrency wallet....
Oct 11, 2022
I Saved 20% on Taxes By Paying Daily Expenses With Crypto
Although crypto is yet to be established as a mainstream payment method globally, it has become a daily payment alternative for most of us. So, rather than having all of my revenue in my local currency & incurring income tax, bank fees, etc. I convert a small percentage ......
Jul 19, 2022
Crypto Tax Returns: How to Calculate and File Them
when you sell or trade cryptocurrency, you are subject to paying taxes on the capital gain. To calculate your tax liability, you will need to know the purchase price (cost basis), sale price, and any fees associated with the transaction....