Mar 05, 2024
Google Authenticator For Crypto Wallet 2FA: Time-Based or Counter-Based?
Unlike TOTP, which relies on synchronized clocks between Google Authenticator and the server, HOTP does not require time synchronization. HOTP tokens are generated based on a counter value and a secret key, making them resistant to certain types of attacks, such as replay attacks....
Sep 22, 2023
Google or SMS-based Authentication - Which is Better For Your Crypto Wallet?
Most wallet providers, like Cwallet, do a great job of securing users assets, but users still need to take proactive measures to provide extra layers of security for their assets. Two authentication methods have become prominent in the quest for heightened security for custodial wallet owners...
Sep 20, 2023
Benefits of Secure Login Services for Your Crypto Wallet
This article explores advanced authe­ntication solutions and their ability to safeguard both your data and users. Discove­r how Cwallet, a user-friendly and highly se­cure multi-chain crypto wallet, goes above­ and beyond to provide you with peace­ of mind....